
© 2013 Scott White - All rights reserved.

I know, I know, so much time, so few updates…

Saturday May 17, 2008 - Author: NightStorm

Is job dissatisfaction truly a necessary part to any employment? The past few weeks, I have (for the first time, since entering this type of work when I was a teen) been starting to really dislike my job. Its seeming like every time something happens in a negative fashion, I am the one who egts lectured about it (whether I played a part or not), yet when things go well, there are few who actually notice or say anything in regards to it. The typical “negative is loudest” way of life at work, to sum it up.

I don’t want to be a “job hopper”… you know the type, who will work at one place just long enough to become annoyed with it, then suddenly quit and start looking for employment somewhere else. (more…)

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Fraser Valley Weather Changes

Friday March 28, 2008 - Author: NightStorm

WTF??? Like seriously… what the Hell is the deal with the weather here all of a sudden?  In one day, we went from 10 degrees and sunny, to 0 and snowing, to 2 and hail, to 10 and sunny… ALL IN A FRICKIN’ HOUR!!!  So I’m standing there thinking “No, this can’t really be happening…” but it was, and bloody hell, it sucked.  Mind you, it didn’t snow enough to stick, but just the same, white crap fell from the sky when it was supposed to be sunny and warm.  Damn BC Coastal climate. (more…)

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And The (Rock)Band Played On…

Friday March 7, 2008 - Author: NightStorm

And time marches on.  Well, at the moment it’s sort of on it’s knees, crawling towards the impending date… but it’s moving forward, which is good (time moving backwards is always a bad sign, unless it’s in the Superman-sense where he’s reversing natural disasters caused by a nuclear warhead targeted at the San Andreas fault… which sucks, because that fault-line runs right up the BC coast.  But I digress).  Digital Storm LAN 2008 is coming fast, and we have our first official “in person” sale date set for Saturday, March 22nd at the Center.  What’s this mean?  Well, primarily, it’s a great chance to meet some of the potential attendees, as well as a chance to start seeing something come in from the sale of the tickets (which will of course end up going towards paying off the cost of the hall rental, but whatever).  There has been some speculation going around that DSL has sort of come out of nowhere and is trying to undermine other events taking place in the area… I’m kind of disappointed by such comments and would like to set the record strait by linking directly to a post that Tami has made in regards to such “net-line rumours” (grapevines, while good for standard rumour spreading, does not handle the loading of web pages nearly as quickly as the fibre lines running through town, so we will use net-lines to spread the good word instead).  Check it out on the DSL forum at (it’s there, I swear it). (more…)

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Pass the Tylenol…

Friday February 29, 2008 - Author: NightStorm

DSL 2008 is running in high gear now! We’ve confirmed a location and a date for the LAN… August 1-3 2008 at the Croatian Cultural Center. We’ve been contacting mondo-sponsors, and the planning is moving quickly. As Tami says, she thrives on this sort of thing.?? Since I missed out on DSL 2006 (advancearticle.jpg aldstar3.jpg llytimesjune27.jpg motusarticle.jpg), and was only here for weekends on DSL 2007, this is going to be a major event for me (here’s hoping it goes well). (more…)

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Another Year Down…

Thursday February 7, 2008 - Author: NightStorm

Birthdays.  I fail to see what the big deal is about them.  So you’re a year older.  All that really means is that you managed to survive one more year.  Mind you, personally that can be a great feat, given my history of “oops” experiences… but just the same, it’s only a day, the same as any other.  Right? (more…)

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