
© 2013 Scott White - All rights reserved.

A moment…

Saturday March 29, 2008 - Author: NightStorm

So, every once in a great while, we may feel compelled to make a statement.  I don’t mean like the one I made her yesterday about the weather (although I still stand by that one).  No, I mean something, well… more.  What sort of statement could one such as myself make?  Not much of one… at least, not in any form of originality, anyway.  But I can echo someone else’s. (more…)

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Some Lessons Learned In 2007

Saturday January 12, 2008 - Author: NightStorm

Yeah yeah, I know… I’m late.  So sue me.  I was actually considering skipping this whole thing, and moving right into a different post all together, but instead I decided to just put it up anyway, and move on.

That’s my new way of life.  Something goes wrong, just move on.  It’s what got me to here, and it’s working out well so far.  😉

So, here we go.  My list of things I learned through 2007. (more…)

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Where I ramble on, and actually post an update on the blog *gasp*

Monday December 10, 2007 - Author: NightStorm

So, I’ve been sitting here for a while staring at my blog… not really sure what to write, if anything at all. I don’t want it to fall into neglect, or become a place I only go to when I am angry and in need of venting space, but at the same time, I don’t want it to become a boring spot on the web either.

As I thought about it, my phone beeped at me. Hmm… (more…)

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How It All Began…

Friday October 5, 2007 - Author: NightStorm

I suppose I could start this post with some history.  History of how we first met up with Greg King, or of the first attacks he launched on us, or how we first started the case against him way back in 2004.  I could go into the GB’s worth of logs that I have manually read through, or the (literally) dozens of chats, both on public IRC and in private message, that I have had with Greg.  I could even get into my own non-professional psycho-analysis of his (imo) dysfunctional mind or his obscenity-plagued-and-drug-referenced use of language.

I could… but I’m sure most of that will be released slowly in the coming months as the trial progresses and information reaches the WWW.  Besides, why read here when you can read it in any of the thousands of other sites that are focusing on the arrest (even though they are focusing on a site that was attacked for a week, more than one that was attacked for years, but whatever… an arrest is an arrest).  Instead, I think I’ll focus on a lighter note.

Morale.  What’s that, you say?  Well, when Greg was running free, we were under a constant threat of having our sites attacked again (and again, and again), causing yet more damage to the systems and loss of data and coding.  It makes it hard for anyone to want to actually do anything, when you don’t even know how long it will be there for.  With Greg’s arrest, it’s like a weight has been lifted.  People are more willing to talk openly, and to participate in conversations on the forums again.  The threat has been, shall we say, neutralized… (more…)

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