I am sad. So very very sad.
I went out to the bar last week with Tami to celebrate her birthday, and experienced first-hand, that which is to be the future of mankind… the hope for our species as a whole.
We’re doomed.
The band that played are old friends of Tami’s, and go by the name of “Cease and Desist“. They also put on a show, where they dress up as the singers of the songs they cover (for example, they do an amazing cover of “Maggie May” by Rod Steward, while the lead singer dons the wig and clothes to match) as “Atlantic Crossing“, but they didn’t do that for this show. So yeah, they’re a cover band… but a GREAT cover band. The part that left me with an empty feeling for society? The kiddies that were in the bar at the time. While many of them really got into the music, some were just… sad. Not “boo hoo” sad, but “what the fuck” sad. Some of them were damn near breeding right on the dance floor (when, given their general overall look, they shouldn’t even be breeding in the privacy of their own dorm rooms). The paper towel dispenser in the bathroom ran out of towel, okay? No big deal, just tell one of the staff and it’ll get looked after, right? Nuh uh… some dumbass actually tore it off the wall and left it sitting on the floor. Yeah, that’s a good way to get it refilled. I hope the person went in there later, pissed all over themselves, and then couldn’t dry their hands when they were done because there was NO FREAKIN’ TOWEL DISPENSER ANYMORE!! Morons.
Some of the kids in this bar were outright obnoxious. Of course, it was obvious that it wasn’t a true bar, but more of a college bar, given the crap that was being played over the radio during breaks in the live show. Just the same though, we got some networking in, and may have a great announcement coming up soon. It’s in the works… (more…)